Thursday, February 11, 2010

First Week Behavior

We've been paying attention to almost all of Mr. Bean's behavior.

First Day (Monday)
  • Stayed almost glued to his friend.
  • Didn't go to the bathroom for almost 24 hours after his arrival in Beirut. 
  • Scared of everything.
Second Day (Tuesday)
  • Mr. Bean began to be a little more comfortable with me.
  • He went to the bathroom outside. (Well, almost outside -- in the building entrance area.)
  • Continued to be scared of cars.  It seems that the sound is the scariest part for him.
  • Mr. Bean began to smell things.  He smelled the house, the balcony, the building entrance, and then began marking his territory (outside only).
  • Mr. Bean finally cleared his system out. I was thinking he was going to have to go to the vet for help, but all is getting back to normal.
Third Day (Wednesday)
  • Another day of smelling everything.
  • Learned how to jump up on the sofa where his friend sits.  Doesn't try any other sofa -- just one.
  • He was a lot more playful, when we'd have him outside. 
  • Sounds of passing cars still freaks him out.  
Fourth Day (Thursday)
  • Today Mr. Bean had to spend a lot of his time in the cage.  His best friend had to go to school to substitute for a high school biology teacher.   Seems no worse for the wear.
  • Still won't go to the bathroom outside our protected entrance area.  We have even tried marking the trees with paper towels we use to clean up the urine, but still to no avail.
  • Continues to run to the building entrance, instead of running around playing! 
  • Once we're back inside, he's quite playful again.

Fifth Day (Friday) -- Yet to come

1 comment:

  1. Suggestion: don't let him walk outside, carry him all the way outside (outside the entrance too) and put him down next to the tree. Should work.
