Sunday, February 28, 2010

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

More Daring

After the weekend in Safita, and a glorious return to Beirut, Mr. Bean has been much more adventurous. He has started taking long walks with Sami, isn't as afraid of car sounds, and has become quite an accomplished jumper! He has laid claim to all the best spots in the house! What fun we're all having.

Need an action shot? Check out the little clip of Mr. Bean meeting Max.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Photos uploaded to Picasa.

Just click on the photo to view the others. More will be added as our experiences continue.

Saturday, February 13

What fun we have had today with Mr. Bean.  He has taken over the loveseat in the TV room and almost hogs the double bed!

Photos to follow soon.  He's busy chewing a bone from Miss Hadile right now.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

First Week Behavior

We've been paying attention to almost all of Mr. Bean's behavior.

First Day (Monday)
  • Stayed almost glued to his friend.
  • Didn't go to the bathroom for almost 24 hours after his arrival in Beirut. 
  • Scared of everything.
Second Day (Tuesday)
  • Mr. Bean began to be a little more comfortable with me.
  • He went to the bathroom outside. (Well, almost outside -- in the building entrance area.)
  • Continued to be scared of cars.  It seems that the sound is the scariest part for him.
  • Mr. Bean began to smell things.  He smelled the house, the balcony, the building entrance, and then began marking his territory (outside only).
  • Mr. Bean finally cleared his system out. I was thinking he was going to have to go to the vet for help, but all is getting back to normal.
Third Day (Wednesday)
  • Another day of smelling everything.
  • Learned how to jump up on the sofa where his friend sits.  Doesn't try any other sofa -- just one.
  • He was a lot more playful, when we'd have him outside. 
  • Sounds of passing cars still freaks him out.  
Fourth Day (Thursday)
  • Today Mr. Bean had to spend a lot of his time in the cage.  His best friend had to go to school to substitute for a high school biology teacher.   Seems no worse for the wear.
  • Still won't go to the bathroom outside our protected entrance area.  We have even tried marking the trees with paper towels we use to clean up the urine, but still to no avail.
  • Continues to run to the building entrance, instead of running around playing! 
  • Once we're back inside, he's quite playful again.

Fifth Day (Friday) -- Yet to come

Mr. Bean and Jet Lag

We're finding that jet lag is a problem Mr. Bean is having to deal with, in addition to cultural differences. Poor little thing is pretty mixed up about a lot of things and really scared of most everything.

The only thing he's really content doing is being right next to his best friend.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Doorway to home

Mr. Bean knows which door will get him back into the comfort of home!

Lump on our lap.

We have to learn to type with a little lump on our laps.

Staying Close

This little fellow wants to be right next to someone, all the time!

Deliliah's Pet Shop

My son has been visiting Deliliah's Pet Shop for years.  Over those years, he's wished for a myriad of dog types.  Knowing that I didn't really want a large dog or one that shed, and since the dog will be living in our house, the choices were narrowed.  The hope of the Pitbull or Rotweiler or German shephard has been put on hold.

Why a bichon frise?  Because it doesn't shed much at all; it doesn't need much outside exercise; and because it was almost like love at first sight. 

Why Mr. Bean?  He was the right age to travel on short notice, as he already had all his vaccinations. The rest was fairly easy.

How Mr. Bean came to our house.

For almost twenty years, one of my sons has wanted a dog. Saturday, Feb. 6th, 2010 he got his new dog. Mr. Bean has already mesmerized us.

Mr. Bean is a bichon frise, but he doesn't look quite like this picture; he's much more casual and ready to play. Now, instead of doing school work from home, I'm learning to crate train a dog. It's a new experience for me.

Photos and details of Mr. Bean's acclimation to his new life will follow.